Our monthly photo series highlights the beauty and emotion in the lives of our clients around the world.

TechnoServe’s work with people fighting poverty around the world is full of striking stories and images. Each month, we share a few of our favorite photos from the everyday beauty of our clients’ journeys towards better incomes and better futures.

Vote for your favorite below.

Photo 1

a woman and man farmer in india tend to their guar crops in the sunset

Smallholder farmers in India tend their guar, a drought-resistant crop that can improve their incomes despite chronic water scarcity.

Photo 2

a woman in ghana, africa, racks cocoa beans with a baby on her back

A woman in Ghana racks cocoa beans from her farm as her children watch. Sustainable cocoa production can help women around the world earn independent incomes.

Photo 3

woman in red looking ahead carrying plants in nurseryAn entrepreneur in Chile proudly displays seedlings from her nursery. The Anglo American-TechnoServe collaboration where she learned business skills is also helping farmers in Zimbabwe improve their food security.