NutriSave, funded by the Gates Foundation and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office, aims to reduce food loss and waste in Kenya, helping to tackle climate change while boosting nutrition in low-income communities.
NutriSave, funded by the Gates Foundation and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office, aims to reduce food loss and waste in Kenya, helping to tackle climate change while boosting nutrition in low-income communities.
The Commercial Agriculture for Smallholders and Agribusiness Technical Assistance Facility (CASA TAF) will partner with investors to assess and demonstrate how inclusive technical assistance can strengthen the commercial viability and development impact of agribusinesses that source from smallholders.
TechnoServe, with funding from the Department of International Development (DFID), is working to address the challenges facing the agricultural sector in Nigeria through the use of technology.
Despite a high volume of of entrepreneurial activity, Ghana has a low rate of success in transforming small enterprises into larger, more productive companies, which can help to promote economic growth and create jobs.
Food processing provides the potential to create necessary jobs in Zambia’s rural areas, as well as strengthening the competitiveness of the broader value chain.
The Kenya Market Assistance Program helped to promote employment and income generation in various market systems in Kenya by addressing key constraints to growth in these sectors.
Staple crops like maize, soy and bean can provide much more than just subsistence for smallholders, they can also increase income, create jobs and improve food security. The Storage and Proper Post-Harvest Improvements for Resource Efficiency (SAPPHIRE) program, funded by the DFID, worked to capitalize on the potential of maize and increase incomes for farmers through increasing productivity and improved aggregation.
TechnoServe was an implementing partner in Propcom Mai-Karfi, a six-year program working to increase the incomes of 650,000 people in northern Nigeria, half of them women.
Since 2011, TechnoServe has managed Agro Initiative Zimbabwe, a grant facility funded by the Department for International Development, which operates as a business competition to support sustainable innovative ideas in agriculture through monetary awards and technical assistance.