2016 Food Tank Summit
C.E.O. William Warshauer delivers a keynote address about the future of food systems.
C.E.O. William Warshauer delivers a keynote address about the future of food systems.
TechnoServe C.E.O. William Warshauer speaks about the importance of innovation and partnerships to eliminate global hunger.
TechnoServe's Simon Winter shares insights about how businesses can work with smallholder farmers to become more climate resilient.
TechnoServe C.E.O. William Warshauer speaks on a panel about food self-sufficiency and food security.
Annah Macharia presents on TechnoServe's market-system facilitation work in Kenya's dairy sector.
TechnoServe's Alice Waweru speaks about a project to support the owners of small shops in Kenya.
TechnoServe Global Entrepreneurship Director Juan Carlos Thomas speaks about supporting entrepreneurs in post-conflict and post-disaster zones.
TechnoServe's Katarina Kahlmann presents insights about helping women farmers find economic opportunities.
Senior Vice President for Program Development Simon Winter speaks about opportunities for young people in Africa's agricultural sector.
TechnoServe Director of Porgram Development Macani Toungara speaks about agricultural value chains in Rwanda.