Mozambique should produce 120,000 tons of cashew nut this year, according to Macauhub

The commercialization of cashew nuts in Mozambique in the current 2016/2017 harvest season is expected to reach 120,000 tonnes compared to the 100,000 registered tons in the previous harvest season, said the director of INCAJU, the National Institute of Cashew Development. 

Ilídio Bande, who spoke in the Nampula district during the official start of the 2016/2017 commercialization year, said that there are good indicators in all the cashew-producing provinces, so it is expected that the goal will be achieved.

The start of the cashew nut commercialization campaign is the culmination of a process of preparation involving farmers, service providers, government entities and other stakeholders so that the whole process runs smoothly, according to Maputo-based newspaper Notícias. 

The provincial governor of Nampula, Victor Borges, recalled that the province is the largest producer of cashew nuts in Mozambique and called on producers to address the problems affecting cashew trees, especially pests and uncontrolled fires. (Macauhub)

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