How much do you know about global food systems? Take our quiz to test your knowledge, then share it with a friend.

Food systems are networks that connect all the processes involved in feeding the global population. From agricultural production to consumption, the food system plays a pivotal role in global sustainability, food security, and economic development. 

Understanding and strengthening food systems is critical as we face challenges like climate change, food waste, malnutrition, and inefficiencies in supply chains. Take our quiz to test your knowledge, and then learn more about food systems in our latest explainer.

Global Food Systems Quiz

1. How many people worldwide rely on food systems for their livelihood?
2. What percentage of global food is lost or wasted?
How many people globally faced hunger in 2023?
What percentage of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions come from food systems?
By what year could maize crop yields potentially decline due to climate change?
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