Gaspar Carvalho, successful cashew farmer in Gilé

At the end of a MozaCajú training that closed with a Cost Benefit Analysis (using a real example), Gaspar Carvalho very humbly shared his experience and achievements obtained from his cashew farm. He already knew that his current yield of 3.2 kg / plant was quite low compared to other plantations. But he admitted that the MozaCajú training he had just received had enlightened him as to some of the reasons why – and ways he could improve. He stated his commitment to spraying the chemical application at the right times and using the correct dosage with proper handling by the applicator.

Read the full story here.

Durante a realização de treinamento sobre colheita e pós colheita e comercialização da castanha de caju por todos os locais onde o projecto MozaCajú está a operar, encontramos o produtor Gaspar Carvalho, residente na localidade de Mamala, distrito de Gilé, provincia da Zambézia que se destacou ao apresentar as suas actividades, registo de despesas e entradas.  Na análise de benéfico & Custo pela sua organização, foi usado como exemplo o Sr. Gaspar, muito humildemente, compartilhou a sua experiência e lucros obtidos a partir do seu cajual.

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