Catalisa dynamizes poultry market in Cabo Delgado Province
The Catalisa program recognizes the socio-economic importance of poultry production in Cabo Delgado, and the great potential that exists in the market for local producers. As a way to dynamize this sector, Catalisa has developed a series of investments in small-scale chicken and egg producers, and commercial agribusinesses along the value chain. An example of the project’s effort to strengthen the local chicken and egg value chain was the introduction of a new model of egg production through the Sasso chicken, in rural areas where previously individuals did not have access to eggs, to create sources of income for families and youth, and increase access to protein.
At the same time, to encourage private sector presence, Catalisa is investing in large operations that aim to serve as a source of employment for local workers and provide a market for local producers. One example is their investment in Baía Agronegócios, a consortium between the companies Avibila and Elaco Orrera, which aims to build an incubator and slaughterhouse, to fill the gaps that most create difficulties for poultry farmers in Cabo Delgado. The total investment was about $1 million, and the works are in the final phase, with the expectation of starting operations and buying chickens on a large scale from local poultry farmers starting in December 2022, for processing, freezing and selling to the formal market, where there is the greatest demand for chicken.
The slaughterhouse will have a processing capacity of over 6,000 chickens per day. The hatchery will have the capacity to produce about 25,8048 chicks per month, and includes a parent chicken production facility that will feed the infrastructure to ensure a constant local source of chicks.
At the same time, to ensure opportunities for local chicken producers, the project is investing in over 20 commercial chicken producers around Pemba, and assisting with technical capacity building, in preparation for the opening of the slaughterhouse in December, ensuring a local source of meat for the slaughterhouse and a market for local producers. Along with the investments in these poultry farmers, the project is also investing in an agribusiness partner to produce feed locally, with a regular source of locally produced, lower cost feed expected from November onward.
With a source of chicks, a local slaughterhouse, availability of locally produced feed, and a source of commercial chicken producers, Catalisa’s investments, along with the private sector, will facilitate the development of the formal poultry market, and alleviate the value chain constraints that have historically resulted in high costs for the chicken farming business.