Cashew processing factory opens in Nampula, Mozambique

December 2016

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, inaugurated a cashew processing plant near the city of Nampula mid-morning of Friday, December 9th.

According to the Chief of State, this project responds to one of the objectives of the cashew master plan that calls for increasing the capacity and processing of the cashew in the country.

“This factory brings solutions to the problems but also brings new challenges for cashew producers. It puts more pressure on the cashew sector, related to the requirement of raising the levels of its production,” said the President.

The factory has been in operation since the second quarter of this year and employs around 650 workers, with about 90 percent of them women. Factory owners say it is operating at 25 percent of its capacity, which is about 40,000 tonnes per year.

Ler o artigo em português de Notícias aqui.

Read the article from Macauhub here.