A Sewing Machine and a Dream
Rose Amachi, an alumna and mentor of TechnoServe's Young Women in Enterprise program, is working to empower girls and young women in Nairobi's Kawangware slum.
Rose Amachi, an alumna and mentor of TechnoServe's Young Women in Enterprise program, is working to empower girls and young women in Nairobi's Kawangware slum.
Time is running out to help TechnoServe make GreatNonprofits' 2013 Top-Rated List. Write a review and increase the visibility of business solutions to poverty.
After receiving support from TechnoServe, a crafts business in southern India is creating meaningful economic opportunities for disabled people in the community.
Entrepreneurs in a remote region of Chile are taking their businesses to the next level with support from TechnoServe’s Potencia Patagonia program.
This International Cooperative Day, meet the Maasai Dairy Cooperative and learn how proven techniques from coops in India are helping them to bring prosperity to their community in Kenya.
Aditya Gupta discusses his experience working with TechnoServe in East Africa, and how it motivated him to launch an organization that is addressing the issue of violence against women.
Chetana, a 2009 TechnoServe business plan competition winner in southern India, is creating meaningful economic opportunities for disabled people in the community.
As TechnoServe prepares to celebrate World Water Day, we highlight a partnership in Ethiopia that is showing coffee wet mill owners a smarter method for treating wastewater and protecting their watershed.
Learn about market systems and how TechnoServe makes them work for people and communities facing poverty.
Learn about our most recent efforts to provide business solutions to poverty by linking people to information, capital and markets.