Take Our April 2024 World News Quiz
Poor harvests in West Africa have recently caused prices to soar for what food commodity? Find out in our latest world news quiz.
Poor harvests in West Africa have recently caused prices to soar for what food commodity? Find out in our latest world news quiz.
In 2023, TechnoServe’s work helped farmers and entrepreneurs in over 30 countries earn an additional $485 million and changed the lives of 3.4 million people. Our 2023 annual report takes a closer look at the impact our clients achieved last year and the inspiring stories behind the numbers.
In southern and southeastern Mexico, young people like Esmeralda Canul are using the power of sharing knowledge to build more sustainable, prosperous communities for future generations.
Get a behind-the-scenes look at the daily activities of Érica Muarramuassa, a TechnoServe associate business advisor who works with store owners in Mozambique.
Are you an informed global citizen? Test your knowledge of current events with TechnoServe's March 2024 world news quiz.
Every profession has its jargon, but TechnoServe’s field has more than its fair share. To help you make sense of all the international development jargon, here is a cheat sheet with seven terms you should know in 2024.
Eight years ago, Fedila Hussein and Mustafa Tesfaye struggled to earn a living from coffee. Their coffee trees were old and were not producing enough to cover the living expenses of their family of six. After participating in a TechnoServe program, Fedila and Mustafa learned important techniques to improve their coffee yields. Today, their farm is flourishing, and they have seen a 23-fold increase in their coffee production.
Are you an informed global citizen? Test your knowledge of current events with TechnoServe's February 2024 world news quiz.
Meet Yader Blandín. This young Nicaraguan man joined a gender commission to challenge stereotypes and change the mentality of multiple generations within his community. TechnoServe knows engaging men is a critical component of empowering women in agriculture.
Creating employment opportunities for the world’s growing youth population is a critical part of improving livelihoods and combating poverty. TechnoServe has contributed to a new World Economic Forum briefing paper that identifies keys to global job creation.