farmers getting ground prepared for planting in south africa

South Africa

Despite being a middle-income, emerging market with an abundant supply of natural resources, South Africa continues to face high unemployment, poverty and inequality.

TechnoServe’s work is closely aligned with the government’s new National Development Plan, which aims to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality by drawing on the energies of the people, growing an inclusive economy, building capabilities, enhancing state capacity and promoting leadership and partnerships.

TechnoServe's vision is to help generate sustainable growth across the country and to make the benefits and opportunities of economic growth accessible to everyone. TechnoServe is working with smallholder farmers to build competitive farms and gain access to formal markets and financial services. We are also working with entrepreneurs from a wide range of sectors to help grow successful businesses that generate jobs and income in their communities.

37 Bath Avenue, 3rd Floor, BHF Building
Rosebank, Gauteng 2196
South Africa
Tel: +27 11 048 9900 Fax: +27 11 482 5588


Entrepreneurship Projects in South Africa

Blog Posts


Sourcing from Smallholders: Complex Challenge or Commercial Opportunity?

Abstract: The 500 million smallholder farmers worldwide represent both a key supplier base and a market for firms, and advances are being made on how to integrate this segment of farmers into formal value chains. CASA TAF’s second annual learning paper, Sourcing from Smallholders: Complex Challenge or Commercial Opportunity? Perspectives…